Monday, June 25, 2007

Video/audio of Tripoli shooting on Sunday morning

Ok, this is how the shooting sounded, on Sunday morning in Tripoli (click on the arrow in the frame below). It's only 30 seconds and the images are rather crappy and shaky. But hey, the sound is alright. And i really had something better to do than keeping my phone perfectly horizontal. Last 10 seconds I put my phone in my pants - had to carry something else...The fighting lasted for several hours. 10 people were killed (see also post below)

So there is now constant fighting (mini war) in the Nahr al Bared camp in the north, shootings and killings in Tripoli (north too), continuing Hezbollah protest in and around Beirut (center of the country), bombs go off left, right and center in christian Arab area's, and late afternoon, on Sunday too, a roadside bomb killed 5 UNIFIL soldiers in the south of Lebanon.

This is getting seriously ridiculous. Lebanon covers 10.000 square kilometers (four times smaller then the Netherlands and 70 times smaller than the state of Texas). It is not scientifically, but Lebanon seems to have the most problems a square kilometer. (I mean, Iraq being 44 times bigger than Lebanon, has loads of problems too. But a square kilometer, I think Lebanon will still win).

Harald Doornbos


Anonymous said...

Harald, the sound is good. It's funny you still hear the birds whistle.

Harald Doornbos said...

Hey Bram, good observation about the birds. Very true.